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The Olive and the Caper: Adventures in Greek Cooking

Country Bread

Page 121

Cuisine: Greek | Course Type: Breads

(1 review)


Recipe Review

6th March 2013

Peckish Sister from Central, FL

My songs worked well on my warm stove. The dough also worked well according to the directions and I was delighted with the amount of whole wheat flour. My confusion started with the shaping of the loaves. For me 15 X 4" is not an oblong, but an extreme rectangle. To achieve this shape, the dough had to be more than "slightly flattened". The first loaf I tried to shape by patting, but the second I very quickly formed into shape with my rolling pin. I couldn't understand how 3 to 4 widely spaced slits could form a cross-hatch pattern on this long, skinny loaf and I did not want to risk that this thin loaf would deflate. I was supposed to put it on a well oiled sheet, but I put it on parchment as it usually works well for me. Don't do this! You brush it with water twice and some must have soaked into the bottom crust. I bagged the bread while slightly warm and instead of a crispy crust, I ended up with a very soft crust. But it did have a great sour tang and was the perfect bread to cut up and serve with soup for a crowd.

(1) useful  


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