Recipe Notebooks
  • In addition to cookbooks, I have five three-ring binders with recipes I've collected over the years. It's a shame that this part of my collection is separate from my Cookbooker bookshelf. Is Cookbooker going to add a feature where you can list individual recipes or, if not, is there another site out there that allows you to build a personal recipe collection online?
  • The short answer is yes - we've already had a request to allow people to put in your personal recipes and it is a priority on my 'to program' list. I'm just finishing some new features which will allow people to add ingredients, links, and chat for any particular recipe. When these are done, I'll get going on the best way to put your personal recipes into Cookbooker. Suggestions are always welcome!

    When we do so, we'll also make sure that you'll always be able to export them out again; just like your bookshelf, your data is your own and you should be able to make backups or use it elsewhere.

    Otherwise, I know there's software for home computers out there people use - I've seen recommendations (for Mac users) for MacGourmet. From Chow ( there's a discussion about this. Someone also recommends Evernote. In a later discussion someone else mentions 'Living Cookbook' for Windows: I have not used any of these (I just keep some recipes in a series of Word files at the moment).

    Online, I believe there are a number of websites which can serve as online recipe storage, but I don't know anything about any of them (I just googled "my recipes online"), whether there are costs or how reputable they might be.

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