Website: Sugar Spun Run

Ding Dong Cake


| Course Type: Cakes

(1 review)


Recipe Review

18th June 2024


This was the second or third Ding Dong Cake I have made. I love the I Am Baker recipe but was curious as to what a little brown sugar, an extra egg yolk and some melted butter would bring. I have to say I thought the flavor was great, maybe even better. The texture on the other hand was a little dry, crumbing and cracking around the edges.
This was only around the edge of the cake, interior was moist and delicious. The problematic (crumbling) sides made it difficult to frost. Ganache frosting doesn't hide imperfections as well as a nice fluffy buttercream! I am giving this 5 stars because I may have over baked or something to cause the crumbling.

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