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December, 2010

Roasted Red Onions with Thyme Butter / Geroosterde rode uien met tijmboter

Page 155

| Course Type: Sides

(1 review)


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27th December 2010

friederike from Berlin,

A brilliant idea for its simplicity (it took just 5 minutes preparation time!), but the taste might be improved.

After 40 min at 180ÂșC, the onions were done but still crunchy - nothing wrong with that, just that I had hoped that they would be soft and caramelised. I would guess that you need to bake them for anything in between 1-3 hours to achieve this (possibly at a lower temperature, but not necessarily), and perhaps cheat by adding a little (brown) sugar.

Then, I had hoped that they tasted stronger. You might try normal onions instead of red ones, but I would definitley also chop a few of the added garlic cloves and scatter them over the onions. Maybe thyme is also just too weak; I could imagine that spices work better - what about allspice, or cardamom and cinnamon?

Last, 100g butter looked like far too much for just a few onions - trust me, it's not.

(edited 27th December 2010) (0) comment (1) useful  

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