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The Pizza Book: Everything There Is To Know About the World's Greatest Pie

The 30 minute pizza

Page 83

Cuisine: Italian | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)


Recipe Review

29th December 2010

lemonadesandwich from Woburn, MA

This has been one of our family staples for years. Having homemade pizza in 30 minutes is the best! We have passed this recipe on to so many of our friends. We used to make one big pizza, but we've found it's even better for making our own small size pies - we can each add our own toppings to our heart's content.

Some tricks we've developed over the years: A dusting of corn flour on the bottom of the pan or pizza stone adds a nice crunch to the bottom.
There's also a new Fleischman's yeast that's specifically for pizza dough. It makes it much easier to roll the dough out evenly and stretch it further. Definitely a new pantry staple!

(1) useful  


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