New Entertaining
By Donna Hay
Murdoch Books - 1998
ISBN: 1853917583

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New Entertaining

Lime Curd and Pomegranate Tartelettes / Lime-curd-Granatapfeltörtchen

Page 150

Cuisine: English/Scottish | Course Type: Cookies/Bars

(1 review)

Tags: lime pomegranate lemon curd lime curd tartelettes sweet finger food

Single Review Display

11th January 2011

friederike from Berlin,

Very delicious! For the shortcrust pastry we used the recipe given in the glossary - unfortunately, the pastry went wrong slightly (see review there). Both the lime curd and the pomegranate pits were something in between sweet and sour, something I found deliciously refreshing.

We still had some lime curd over today, as well as some leftover dough from the Shortbread Cookies and the Ginger Hearts, so we used that dough to make the tartelets and fill with the lime curd - delicious, and soo easy!

(edited 7th October 2012) (0) comment (2) useful  

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