The Union Square Cafe Cookbook: 160 Favorite Recipes from New York's Acclaimed Restaurant

Hashed Brussels Sprouts with Poppy Seeds and Lemon
Page 226
Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Sides
Recipe Review
aj12754 from Montclair, NJ
A nice work out for my knife skills "hashing" the sprouts, although that work-out makes this a bit more time-consuming than my "go-to" recipe for sprouts (halving them, tossing with EVOO and kosher salt and pepper, and roasting). And although this was good, it was not great...I think the "hashed" sprouts would have been better simply sauteed in a little butter with some kosher salt and pepper. I just didn't think the lemon or the poppy seeds or the white wine did much of anything but mask the flavor of the sprouts ... not a good thing to a sprout lover such as myself.
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