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The Best American Recipes 2004-2005: The Year's Top Picks from Books, Magazines, Newspapers, and the Internet

Baby Greens with Broiled Lemons

Page 54

Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Salads

(1 review)


Recipe Review

29th January 2011

aj12754 from Montclair, NJ

You need about an hour's lead time for this recipe since the lemon slices need to macerate in sugar for about an hour before broiling and composing the salad.

Since you are using the whole lemon, rind and all, I would suggest using lemons with a thinner rind. And even with a thin rind, it is important to slice the lemons as thinly as possible since otherwise the rind can add too bitter a note to the salad.

The broiled lemons are added to the greens along with EVOO and salt and pepper.

I can't wait to try this one with Meyer lemons.

This recipe was published in the NY Times (link below) if you are interesting in trying this but don't have the cookbook.

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