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Connecticut a LA Carte

Yankee Cobbler

Page 392

Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Desserts

(1 review)


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12th February 2011

Wildcat Fan

This cobbler made with apples and cranberry juice cocktail was a new type of cobbler for me. I really liked it. Unfortunately, I couldn't get anyone else in my family to try it. I did have a few problems in making it. I used an 8-inch square Pyrex baking dish which I measured for volume to be sure it would hold the 8 cups designated in the recipe. The recipe calls for 6 apples and it might be better if it gave a measurement of cups. At least for my dish, that seemed to be too many apples. I attempted to go ahead and use all 6 apples since I already had them peeled. The dish was full after I added the cranberry juice mixture. Before the apples were cooked, I had a lot of juice run out in my oven. It also took quite a bit longer to cook the apples than the recipe stated. Once I added the biscuit topping, it cooked in the amount of time listed for that part of the recipe. If I made this again, I think I might try simmering the apples and juice on top of the stove in a skillet until the apples were cooked. I would stir them occasionally to get all of the apples cooked. In the oven, the apples around the outer edges cooked more quickly. I think the apples could be cooked on top of the stove, then put in a baking dish to add the biscuits and bake for cooking the biscuit topping. Or use a skillet that could be put in the oven.

I really liked the flavor of the apple part and of the biscuit topping with the lemon sugar on top. It was just messy to make so I would try the other method of cooking.

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