Not Your Mother's Casseroles
By Faith Durand
Harvard Common Press - 2011
ISBN: 1558324844

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Not Your Mother's Casseroles

Chicken Thighs with Balsamic Vinegar and Ginger Rice

Page 221

(1 review)


Recipe Review

16th February 2011

Queezle_Sister from Salt Lake City, UT

Although I'm generally not a fan of casseroles, nor a fan of the typical chicken and rice casserole cliché, laziness drove me to prepare this very easy recipe.

It took only about 15 minutes to thaw a pack of boneless thighs, and chop a mountain of ginger, and garlic, and throw this into the oven. It baked for about 1 hour. I pretty much followed the recipe except I used less than half the chicken, and probably twice the ginger. Wow - this packs a punch unlike any casserole I've ever had. The ginger might have been a bit much for the kids, but everyone ate it and enjoyed it.

I received this cookbook because I won the "heathy casserole" contest on, and this is the first recipe I've tried. I'm really impressed, and looking forward to digging deeper into this book.

(3) useful  


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