Website: Smitten Kitchen



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(3 reviews)
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Tags: orange gift orangette candied

Recipe Review

26th April 2010

JustLaura from , CO

Tasted wonderful but looked bad. Chocolate got ugly overnight - I'm sure that was the cook and not the recipe but I'm not sure what to do to make sure that doesn't happen again.

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friederike - 26th January 2014
I assume that your chocolate became too warm. Chocolate needs to be tempered, otherwise it'll develop a dull white sheen on the surface. David Lebovitz has a good article on how and why to temper chocolate:

The trick I usually use is to melt 2/3 of the chocolate until it's just melted, then take of the stove and add the remaining 1/3. The residual heat will melt the last 1/3 of chocolate, and at the same time it'll cool the chocolate down.


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