Website: Epicurious

Double Chocolate Layer Cake
| Course Type: Cakes
Recipe Review
andrew from Vancouver Island, BC
The review from lemonadesandwich reminded me that I'd been meaning to try this one too, and I did so for a child's birthday party also. My wife was worried it would be too dark for the little ones (6-year-olds) but I had a feeling they'd be able to take it, and they were enthusiastic. As was I. It was moist, very dark and chocolaty, but not as dense as a brownie.
I didn't have 10 x 2" pans, so I cooked three separate layers in regular 9" pans. Cooking time was a little less - 45 minutes or so. I also made half a measure of frosting for a cake using 2 of the layers, as 1 lb of chocolate seemed like an awful lot. I tweaked the frosting a little, using a bit more butter and a little icing sugar, thinking of the kids.
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