Super Natural Every Day: Well-loved Recipes from My Natural Foods Kitchen
Recipe Review
Peckish Sister from Central, FL
These are indeed amazing, I like to try and keep a bag of them in the freezer. I prefer the walnuts over the almonds, but loved the suggestion of the dried fruit. Dates seem a little rich for hot Florida, but I love dried cherries. I threw in some dark chocolate chips with the cherries one time and they turned out a little dry, but were devoured instantly. This recipe seems to demand variation. Next I am trying dried mango! I had to have this cookbook to cook this recipe after reading Andrew's review. The only time I have had trouble with this recipe was when I absent mindedly added the sugar to the dry ingredients, instead of to the oil and maple syrup in the pot. Even though I tried to retrieve as much sugar as possible, it wasn't enough. That liquid sugar-oil is the needed liquid/binder. The result was very delicious and moist, but completely fell apart.
andrew - 4th September 2011
Great to hear you're liking them. They're one of the highlights of this book for me, after experiments with making granola bars which would invariably fall apart. I'll have to try dried cherries when I make these again - I'm going to do a batch for school lunches next week. Great tip on the sugar, also!
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