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2nd Avenue Deli Cookbook: Recipes and Memories from Abe Lebewohl's Legendary Kitchen

Potted Meatballs

Page 71

Cuisine: Jewish | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)


Recipe Review

15th May 2011


We really liked these baked meatballs. If you use kosher ( salted) chopped meat, omit the salt. Meatballs have a strong onion flavor- so you won't like these if you dislike onions.
To shape the meatballs, I pat the mixture into a 9x13 inch pan. Then I score the meat into squares- I make a lot more than the 18 meatballs specified by the recipe. Then I form each square into a round by rolling it around in my hands and then I put the meatball back into the same pan. (Do this until all the squares are formed into meatballs..) Bake as directed. Nice with rice, noodles or mashed potatoes.
I serve the meatballs as a main dish- but they could be an appetizer too.

(3) useful  


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