The Pie and Pastry Bible

Lemon Angel Chiffon Pie
Page 157
Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Pies and Tarts

Recipe Review
Peckish Sister from Central, FL
I agree with LovesGenoise that this is a many step process. I also agree with Queezle Sister that I had almost nothing left when I strained my curd, but for the person that gets that little lump, I would probably strain it again. I can't eat raspberries and strawberries are ripe it the fields, but still being shipped out of state, so I skipped the sauce. LovesGenoise may be on the right track with using a different crust; I love the idea of a fat-free crust however! When I tried to serve mine the filling and crust had turned into a liquid- gooey combination. I don’t know if it is the Florida factor (humidity 80 – 100%)? However my teenage sons devoured it and liked it, and I would like to attempt this again.
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