Peter Reinhart's Artisan Breads Every Day
Recipe Review
southerncooker from Boomer, NC
My daughter and I made this one together. She's so much better at braiding bread than I am. I mixed up the dough. It came together very easily. It was a beautiful color, thanks in part to the farm fresh eggs my cousin gave me recently. The dough looked beautiful in the bowl as it was rising in the fridge. The only thing I would do differently next time is use a vanilla bean instead of vanilla flavoring. The recipe my daughter usually makes uses a vanilla bean and we liked the more prominent taste of vanilla the bean opposed to vanilla flavoring gives the bread. This recipe makes two huge loaves of Challah. I used some of the bread to make French toast for our Easter breakfast and it was very good. The leftover bread will be divided between my daughter and I for our families to enjoy during the coming week.
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