Peter Reinhart's Artisan Breads Every Day
Recipe Review
homejoys from ,
The Challah recipe made a beautiful loaf! I love how all the eggs made the dough golden colored. I divided the dough into three loaves. I tried a three strand braid, four strand braid, and six strand braid. The directions were easy to follow and the four strand loaf was my favorite.
The texture of the bread was open and airy. We made some french toast with some of the leftovers and it acted like a sponge pulling the milk into the bread perfectly!
I replaced 4 cups of the white flour with whole wheat flour and added 3 T vital gluten. I increased the water to a total of 2 2/3 cups. I thought it maybe lacked salt. The recipe seems to call for enough so I'm wondering if I just goofed.
Another wonderful tasting bread that was easy to make, fun to work with, and yielded spectacular results!
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