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Peter Reinhart's Artisan Breads Every Day

Wild Rice and Onion Bread

Page 113

(3 reviews)
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Recipe Review

28th March 2010

southerncooker from Boomer, NC

I made this one using millet instead of the wild rice. My daughter suggested I try barley but I was out of it. I did use the dry onions. The dough came together rather easy. I did have a bit of a problem getting it to rise once I took it out of the fridge since it was cold in here today. It took a bit longer than suggested.

The bread was good but a bit oniony tasting. Much better toasted though. It would be great with stews, chili or maybe even some soup. Should have made one of those to go with, since it's been rainy today.

I don't think I've mentioned it before but I don't have a stand mixer so I've made all my breads by hand. One of these days I'm going to get a red kitchen aid, when my budget will allow.

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