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Lorenza's Pasta: 200 Recipes for Family and Friends

Conchiglie con Broccoli e Zaffrano

Page 88

Cuisine: Italian | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)


Recipe Review

11th June 2011


Juding by the servings recommended, this is meant as a side or smaller course, rather than as a main. I made all the sauce with half the pasta (should have been only 6oz, rather than 8oz) as a main for two. It looked rather like the picture, so the proportions seemed ok.
It was an interesting combination of sweet (currants) and savory (anchovies) that worked surprisingly well together. (Once the fishy smell dissipates during cooking, there's just a savory richness that's hard to place.) The pine nuts added a nice crunch. Altogether, a keeper.

(1) useful  


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