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Vegan Yum Yum: Decadent (But Doable) Animal-Free Recipes for Entertaining and Everyday

Blueberry Grunts

Page 226

Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Desserts

(1 review)

Tags: dessert blueberry

Recipe Review

24th October 2011

Jayme from Vancouver, BC

A nice twist on the typical crumble. This is made with biscuit dough topping instead of crumble. I opted to do the steamed version because I love steamed buns and thought it would be a little further from a crumble than if I baked it.

Used apple cidar vinegar instead of lemon juice.
Added cinnamon to the biscuit dough.

(2) useful  


Leeka - 25th October 2011
Did you end up liking the steamed biscuit topping? I'm trying to imagine what that might taste like.


Jayme - 25th October 2011
I did like it quite a bit! It has a dense cakey texture to it. It's really closer to a cobbler than a crumble.

(edited 25th October 2011) 

Leeka - 28th October 2011
I've only ever made crumbles but I do love cake and biscuits so I imagine I would like this. :-)


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