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Color Me Vegan: Maximize Your Nutrient Intake and Optimize Your Health by Eating Antioxidant-Rich, Fiber-Packed, Color-Intense Meals That Taste Great

Chocolate Zucchini Bread

Page 215

Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Quick Breads/Muffins

(2 reviews)

Tags: chocolate baking cake quick bread zucchini vegan

Recipe Review

25th June 2011

Leeka from Hamilton, ON

Anything that gets my child to eat zucchini gets a thumbs up from me! She especially enjoyed the chewy crust that formed on the outside of the loaf.
I baked the loaves for 55 minutes but maybe should have pulled them out to check a bit earlier. They were still moist and not too sweet. The perfect snack with a cup of afternoon tea or coffee.

I almost doubled the amount of cocoa because I didn’t think ¼ cup was sufficient chocolatey goodness for two loaves but in the end decided to follow the recipe as written (at least for the first time). After tasting the loaf, I think I will up the cocoa quotient next time round.

(4) useful  


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