The Artful Vegan: Fresh Flavors from the Millennium Restaurant

Key Lime Tart
Page 179
| Course Type: Pies and Tarts
Single Review Display
Jayme from Vancouver, BC
This has a prebaked pistachio crust. Heads up on the bake time, it's too long. I'd start checking it after about 15 minutes. The key lime filling is so freaking good I could eat it as pudding all by itself. It's topped with a white chocolate mousse, which was pretty easy to make and could be used with other desserts as well. It needs to be chilled overnight though so plan ahead. There's also a scrumptious mango drizzle to go with some fresh strawberries on the side. Very fancy schmany, a little time consuming, but not terribly difficult. A+
(edited 15th July 2011) (4) comment (3) useful
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