The Artful Vegan: Fresh Flavors from the Millennium Restaurant

Key Lime Tart
Page 179
| Course Type: Pies and Tarts
Recipe Review
Jayme from Vancouver, BC
This has a prebaked pistachio crust. Heads up on the bake time, it's too long. I'd start checking it after about 15 minutes. The key lime filling is so freaking good I could eat it as pudding all by itself. It's topped with a white chocolate mousse, which was pretty easy to make and could be used with other desserts as well. It needs to be chilled overnight though so plan ahead. There's also a scrumptious mango drizzle to go with some fresh strawberries on the side. Very fancy schmany, a little time consuming, but not terribly difficult. A+
Leeka - 15th July 2011
Oh my god. This sounds like my dream dessert! I must get a look at this book if only for this recipe alone. I love limey things.
Jayme - 16th July 2011
I swear you won't be able to look at just his. Everything in it is so amazing! The only thing that made me sad about this recipe was that the pistachio crust is such a gorgeous green colour...before you bake it. :(
Jayme - 16th July 2011
I'm having a moment...I can't figure out how to edit my review. I need to add some stuff about the white chocolate mousse.
Leeka - 16th July 2011
I will check the library tomorrow for the book. I simply must make and eat this tart.
There is an "edit" button right at the bottom of your review beside the "useful" button.
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