Culinaria France
By Andre Domine
h. f. ullmann - 2008
ISBN: 0841603626

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Culinaria France

Tarte Tatin / Apple Turnover

Page 118

Cuisine: French | Course Type: Pies and Tarts

(1 review)

Tags: apples pastry tarte tatin shortcrust pastry keeper apple pie apple dessert fruit cakes and pies

Recipe Review

16th July 2011

friederike from Berlin,

Tastewise, this was most definitely 5 stars. However, it wasn't really a tarte tatin - you were supposed to turn the pie upside down once it was nearly done, add butter and sugar and caramelise the top. The result was fantastic (it tasted just like sticky toffee apple!), but it just wasn't what a tarte tatin was supposed to be (as far as I know).

Also, the dough wasn't completely done. To be honest, that only annoyed me during the first bite, after that I didn't even notice. The top was slightly burnt, but that might have been us, setting the grill too high.

Oh, and it wasn't enough: The two of us just gobbled up the whole thing in one evening. Didn't even manage to take a photo.

Edited 5 June 2012:
I don't remember the dough being soo sticky last time as it was today! Clumpy and soggy and wet, not even remotely something you would be able to roll out! We had to add quite a lot of flour to achieve that. Also, be careful with your grill in the last step - we left it under the grill for just too long, maybe as little as thirty seconds, and yet is was burned black in some places.

Edited 25 April 2014:
180°C and 10 minutes extra produced a beautiful pie crust. We skipped the grill, but that might have been a mistake. Next time I'll allow the sugar to turn golden brown before adding the apples; that should do the trick for the apples.

(3) useful  


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