Madhur Jaffrey's Indian Cooking
By Madhur Jaffrey
Barron's Educational Series - 1983
ISBN: 0812027000

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Other edition(s)

Madhur Jaffrey Indian Cooking
By Madhur Jaffrey
Barron's Educational Series - 2003
ISBN: 0764156497

Madhur Jaffrey's Indian Cooking
By Madhur Jaffrey
Barron's Educational Series - 1995
ISBN: 0812065484

Madhur Jaffrey's Indian Cookery
By Madhur Jaffrey
Random House - 2002
ISBN: 0563488212

Madhur Jaffrey's Indian Cookery
By Madhur Jaffrey
BBC Books - 1982
ISBN: 0563164913

Madhur Jaffrey's Indian Cooking

Zucchini with Zucchini (Jhinga aur ghia)

Page 90

Cuisine: Indian | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)


Recipe Review

6th February 2022


It's always a surprise to me to find another winner recipe from such a well-used cookbook. Not sure why I've never made this. It's definitely good.

I used frozen, cooked shrimped (thawed, of course), adding them with the spices and stuff after cooking the zuke.

The recipe neglects to mention what to do with the cayenne, tomatoes, and ginger; I just added this with the other ingredients.

This is actually fairly quick to prepare. Cutting up the zucchini is a bit tedious, but doesn't really take all that long.

As suggested, served with Spiced Basmati Rice

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