Let the Flames Begin: Tips, Techniques, and Recipes for Real Live Fire Cooking

Grilled Peaches with Vanilla Ice Cream and Fresh Strawberry Sauce
Page 378
| Course Type: Desserts

Tags: grilling fruit dessert peaches
Recipe Review
Queezle_Sister from Salt Lake City, UT
Lovely peach - after the grill its very soft and super juicy. I didn't think the vanilla ice cream or strawberries added much, though.
Leeka - 3rd August 2011
Not much can top a sweet, fresh, peach!
aj12754 - 3rd August 2011
I grilled peach wedges the other day and then wrapped some prosciutto around them -- it made for a pretty tasty appetizer. I love peach season but since I am not much of a sweets person, I usually try to find ways to use them in savory dishes.
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