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Sara Foster's Southern Kitchen

Grilled Grouper with Heirloom Tomato Salsa

Page 102

Cuisine: Southern/Soul Food | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)
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Recipe Review

1st January 2012

southerncooker from Boomer, NC

The rating and review here are only for the Tomato Salsa which was suggested to make to serve with the Anytime Hoppin' John from page 222. This salsa was delicious on the hoppin' John and tasted quiet nice even by itself. Simple to throw together with few ingredients:
tomatoes, cilantro, onion, lime juice, olive oil and salt. Since we can't get good heirloom tomatoes this time of year and about the best tomato flavor tomatoes we can get are grape tomatoes I used those. Very nice side to make and I would make again to eat with other things. I have some leftover and plan on making the Hoppin' John Cakes on page 223 later this week to use up some of both the leftover salsa and Hoppin' John.

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