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Mollie Katzen's Vegetable Heaven: Over 200 Recipes for Uncommon Soups, Tasty Bites, Side Dishes, and Too Many Desserts

Frittata with Red Onions, Roasted Garlic, Greens, and Goat Cheese

Page 124

| Course Type: Main Courses

(2 reviews)
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Tags: eggs summer CSA chard

Recipe Review

11th August 2011

Queezle_Sister from Salt Lake City, UT

Lots of vegetables in a tasty egg matrix - easy, nutritious, and delicious.

This recipe helps to use up all that swiss chard - the fresh rosemary gave it a great flavor. I usually put cheese on top of a frittata, but this recipe has goat cheese mixed in. It worked really well - so lots of bites had good goat gooiness.

(1) useful  


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