Website: Simply Recipes

Grilled Tri-Tip Steak with Bell Pepper Salsa Recipe


Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)
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Tags: salsa grilling CSA steak

Recipe Review

14th August 2011

Queezle_Sister from Salt Lake City, UT

Amazing flavor, and a side salsa that totally complements the meat. Blew us away.

My husband is a purist (no marinade, and certainly no toppings) when it comes to steak. But this recipe totally won him over. I don't like meat, but couldn't stop eating bites of steak with the lovely fresh bell pepper salsa.

This is an easy recipe, too. The marinade is simple - mostly soy sauce, olive oil, and cider vinegar. The salsa has some options - I used a red bell pepper, basil (instead of parsley), a small fresh onion from my CSA box instead of scallions, and roasted garlic in both the marinade and the salsa - instead of raw.

The salsa was wonderfully refreshing.

The only negative - 15 yr old son felt the salsa reminded him of eating pho, which he likes, but he found it strange with the steak.

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