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Sundays at Moosewood Restaurant: Ethnic and Regional Recipes from the Cooks at the Legendary Restaurant (Cookery)

Yellowman's Banana Lime Bread

Page 123

| Course Type: Quick Breads/Muffins

(1 review)


Recipe Review

11th February 2010

Cooksbakesbooks from Lincoln, NE

This is a very moist banana bread with a strong lime syrup flavor to it. It makes very good muffins, too (at a farmers' market stall I sold them at, a woman bought one, ate it, then came back and bought all 6 more, sat down, and ate them all, on the spot!). Some people do find this bread very delicious, me included.

I often leave the coconut out. I think it's little better without the coconut, just because it''s smoother then. But leaving the coconut in doesn't ruin it.

(2) useful  


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