Greene on Greens
By Bert Greene
Workman Publishing Company - 1984
ISBN: 0894806599

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Greene on Greens

Zucchini and Lemon Salad

Page 400

| Course Type: Salads

(1 review)


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21st August 2011


A very nice salad, surprisingly good.
I didn't have a red bell pepper on hand, so I used some roasted ones from a jar.
Thinly slicing a peeled lemon was non-trivial. :-)
Made a nice starter on lettuce leaves.
Needs to be made ahead, since it sits for an hour (or more, I'm sure).
Would be a nice starter for company.

One-day old leftovers were surprisingly good. One more day, and the zucchini would be pretty soggy though.

(edited 22nd August 2011) (0) comment (0) useful  

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