Delicious (NL)
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Delicious (NL)

September, 2011

Roasted Tomato and Bread Soup / Geroosterde tomaten-broodsoep

Page 20

Cuisine: Italian | Course Type: Soups and Stews

(1 review)
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Tags: soup tomato Jamie Oliver

Recipe Review

24th August 2011

friederike from Berlin,

The soup was nice, but nothing special – I could have made it a lot quicker, and without a recipe! I would have expected that baking the tomatoes in the oven for an hour would have had some kind of effect in the soup (I was thinking of the dense, sweet taste of dried tomatoes), but unfortunately it wasn’t noticeable at all. 1 l broth is far too much, half of that will do. We used Balsamico instead of red wine vinegar, which was nice and looked very decorative in the soup, but be careful that you don’t accidentally add too much!

This is supposed to be a Jamie Oliver recipe, being part of the monthly Jamie O. feature; however, I cannot seem to find it online, or rather: it's definitely not this one. Very strange.

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