Flavour First
By John Burton Race
Quadrille Publishing Ltd - 2008
ISBN: 1844004503

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Flavour First
By John Burton Race
Quadrille Publishing Ltd - 2010
ISBN: 1844008282

Flavour First

Asparagus Risotto with Peas and Broad Beans

Page 12

| Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)

Tags: summer peas green asparagus white asparagus asparagus spring broad beans risotto

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4th April 2014

friederike from Berlin,

Very delicious, and a true spring/early summer dish!
Cooking all the vegetables first took a lot longer than I had expected, so make sure you plan enough time. We often eat them with pods, but for this dish make sure you remove it. The rice took a lot longer to cook, until I finally figured that there is a point where the stock will evaporate, but is not hot enough to cook the rice - it's about a mm difference in the setting of my gas stove. Also, be sure you reheat the veggies properly again, that may take longer than you expect.

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