Moosewood Restaurant Simple Suppers: Fresh Ideas for the Weeknight Table
Recipe Review
southerncooker from Boomer, NC
This was such an easy supper and delicious. Usually nachos are considered a snack food but this has everything you need for a simple supper -- beans, grains and cheese (as the book says). It's rare that I find something that we agree is great -- hubby, son, and visiting daughter enjoyed it as did I. Daughter would have liked it without olives though. I choose to use the green ones instead of black since hubby and son like those better. I served hubby's, daughter's and mine with the avocado slices on top. For a side I opted for the serving idea of Broccoli Slaw page 208. Great together.
The book also gives you the opting of adding corn kernels, zucchini, pimientos or cilantro to the assembly. This is easy to make as you just layer in order of ingredients and bake. I'll be making this one again and maybe using some of the additional options.
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