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Seductions of Rice

Cucumber-Sesame Salad

Page 78

Cuisine: Chinese | Course Type: Salads

(1 review)


Recipe Review

10th October 2011


I used a European cucumber with the peel on. It isn't easy to quarter this long cucumber lengthwise and then remove the seeds but I followed their instructions the first time. Now I cut the cucumber in half lengthwise, remove the seeds using a baby spoon, then quarter lengthwise before cutting into 2 inch lengths as instructed.

After salting and letting the cucumber drain for 20 minutes, I rinsed and squeezed and removed as much salt as possible. Still I thought there was too much salt. You can remedy this by later cutting slightly the amount of kosher salt in the dressing to adjust to your taste. Also after tasting, I added a squeeze of fresh lemon juice to add a little freshness to the taste. The recipe indicates that the red bell pepper is for garnish but I think it is equally as delicious as the cucumber so I add more. Maybe it is the sesame oil that makes this a great salad.

(3) useful  


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