Peas and Thank You: Simple Meatless Meals the Whole Family Will Love
Spicy African Peanut Slow Cooker Soup
Page 75
Cuisine: African | Course Type: Soups and Stews
Recipe Review
Leeka from Hamilton, ON
This was an excellent, thick and hearty soup. It has great flavours, not spicy, and served with some biscuits made a filling meal. After two hours in my slow cooker the soup was not cooking so I dumped it in a pot and let it simmer for half and hour and it was just fine.
Jayme - 26th October 2011
Did you win this from FirstReads? I tried to get it, but that's awesome if you won it!
Leeka - 28th October 2011
No, I borrowed it from the library. This is the first recipe I've tried but the rest look pretty good too. I look forward to trying a few more before it goes back. This is definitely going on my Christmas wishlist. The food is not complicated and there are lots of great photos.
Jayme - 28th October 2011
Too bad!
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