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Barefoot Contessa: Back to Basics
By Ina Garten
Bantam Press - 2009
ISBN: 0593064003

Barefoot Contessa Back to Basics: Fabulous Flavor from Simple Ingredients

Italian Wedding Soup

Page 72

Cuisine: Italian | Course Type: Soups and Stews

(2 reviews)


Recipe Review

9th March 2011


I've made this twice...once as written and once with changes to the meatballs. I found that the meatball mix (as written) was a little soggy. I think the combo of fresh breadcrumbs and the milk was too much moisture.
So when I made it again, I used dry (storebought) bread crumbs and less milk, which helped. I also added a parmesan cheese rind during the simmer. The soup is delicious, but if you are picky about meatballs, you might want to make changes to that part. ;)

(2) useful  


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