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October, 2011

Pumpkin with a Herb Crust / Pompoen met kruidenkorstje

Page 16

| Course Type: Sides

(1 review)

Tags: quick easy pumpkin side quick and easy roast pumpkin

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15th January 2012

friederike from Berlin,

It was quick, easy, delicious, BUT... the cheese was burnt. And actually, it's not that it was delicious, but that it would have been so if the latter hadn't happened. Of course I could have known, any grated old Gouda will burn if placed in the oven for 25 minutes. So next time, add the cheese (or perhaps the whole mixture) appr 10 minutes before the pumpkin is done. Or, at DB's suggestion, place everything in an ovenproof bowl and add some butter, treating it like a gratin.

We served this with Pan-fried Mackerel with Red Wine Vinegar, Horseradish and Crème Fraîche - a bit of a mismatch, but less so than I had expected.

(edited 12th October 2012) (0) comment (1) useful  

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