Die echte Jeden-Tag-Küche
By Sabine Sälzer
Graefe Und Unzer Verlag - 2004
ISBN: 3774233713

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Die echte Jeden-Tag-Küche

Waldorf Salad

Page 62

| Course Type: Salads

(1 review)

Tags: apples salad walnuts celeriac mayonnaise celery

Recipe Review

7th December 2011

friederike from Berlin,

Very nice. It was slightly too sweet in the beginning, though the addition of a little salt quickly resolved that. I made it as a lunchbox for DB, and to my surprise even the grated apples held well. I didn't make my own mayonnaise as described in the recipe, so it was a bit difficult to estimate the amount of mayonnaise to be used, but I guess in the end that's a matter of taste anyway. And I should have mixed the mayonnaise, yoghurt and seasonings before adding the apples and veggies, not after.

I was surprised that there seem to be two ways of preparing Waldorf Salad: those with celery sticks, such as in How to Cook Everything Vegetarian or in The Scandinavian Cookbook, and those with celeriac, such as this one. I've never before heard that you would prepare Waldorf Salad with anything else than celeriac before, so of course I'm absolutely convinced that this must be the original version :)

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