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The Songs of Sapa: Stories and Recipes from Vietnam

Hanoi Chicken and Vermicelli Noodle Soup (Bun Thang Ha Noi)

Page 64

Cuisine: Vietnamese | Course Type: Soups and Stews

(1 review)


Recipe Review

28th December 2011

The Ducks Guts from Melbourne, Vic

Wonderful and easy to make. The stock was made in the pressure cooker, and was just the Christmas turkey with a few other roast chicken bones from the freezer, and some carrots and onions. It was a double stock, as the first batch was a little weak, so I put it back into the pressure cooker with the last of the turkey and the extra bones.
I didn't have some of the ingredients, the pork meats, the bean sprouts and the Vietnamese mint, but included the remnants of turkey meat, and a teaspoon of block shrimp paste. What really made this dish was the fresh mint, which was what we needed, after the last few days. You need a strong stock for this dish as well.
The recipe says serves 4 to 6, but it only does 3, or possibly 2, for a 1 dish meal, no desserts.

(1) useful  


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