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Delia's How to Cook: Book Three (Bk.3)

Belarussian Carrot Salad

Page 44

Cuisine: Russian | Course Type: Salads

(2 reviews)

Tags: carrots healthy crunchy

Recipe Review

1st January 2012

The Ducks Guts from Melbourne, Vic

This was surprisingly nice, and very easy to make. Putting the carrots through the food processor only took a couple of minutes, and the onions, although taking longer then I expected, only need minimal attention on the stove. However, my onions didn't drain easily, to the extent that in the end I had to squeeze the flavoured oil out with my hands. It isn't the prettiest of salads, and needs some decorating, a sprig or two of mint perhaps, or edible flowers. No tweaking was needed, which is a nice change.

(2) useful  


Queezle_Sister - 1st January 2012
DG - I found a link at inserted it above. Does this look like the same recipe you tried? Your description (and high rating) has piqued my curiosity! ---QS


The Ducks Guts - 1st January 2012
Hi QS, yes that is the one! The only difference, is that Delia uses a "rounded dessertspoon" of coriander seeds, whilst the online uses a scant tablespoon. Same quantity, only I hadn't used a dessertspoon as a measurement for years, and didn't think anybody still did. I used peanut oil for the oil, and my carrots were from a large bag of juicing carrots, sold cheap, in the supermarket, not fancy carrots at all, a bit misshapen and some were broken. I started it late the night before, so they had marinated nearly 24 hours before serving the final steps.
I hope that you like it, if you try it.

(edited 1st January 2012) 

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