The Best 30-Minute Recipe
Skillet Chicken Pot Pie
Page 115
Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Main Courses
Single Review Display
sturlington from Hillsborough, NC
This is a good recipe but it illustrates the problems I have with this cookbook in general. Sure, you can get to a version of chicken pot pie in 30 minutes, but it's a chicken pot pie that lacks soul and depth, in my opinion. For instance, I don't like using packaged biscuit or pie dough, and I prefer baking the dough on top of the filling, but that's not possible in 30 minutes. It seems like it would be better to save chicken pot pie for when you have the time to make it properly, and stick to simpler recipes when you only have a short time to make dinner.
(edited 31st March 2012) (0) comment (1) useful
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