101 Store-cupboard Suppers ("Good Food")
Hot Coffee Creams
Page 206
| Course Type: Desserts
Tags: quick easy ice cream coffee quick and easy
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friederike from Berlin,
It's a really quick and very delicious dessert - but only if you get the proportions right. We didn't have any marsala, so I used cognac. I also used cantuccini, as I thought they would retain some extra crunch, and I served only one scoop of ice cream - I don't know how much coffee I used, it might have been less than required.
This resulted in a dessert that definitely had too much alcohol for too little ice cream, and possibly also just a bit too much coffee. Once I added another scoop of ice cream and a tiny bit extra coffee, it was much better!
I could also see this work if you use orange or tropical fruit juice instead both the coffee and the alcohol to make a non-alcoholic version.
Edited a few days later:
Nope, it's just definitely too much alcohol. The problem is also that because you soak the biscuits in the alcohol and pour the coffee over the ice cream, the alcohol doesn't blend that well. Maybe you need to turn it around, soak the biscuits in coffee and pour (a slightly reduced amount of) alcohol over the ice cream? Or just mix the coffee and alcohol before pouring?
5 minutes later:
I sacrificed myself. I had another one. I just had to try. Soaking the biscuits in coffee and pouring the alcohol has the disadvantage that the ice cream doesn't melt as easily - unless you're in Texas in summer. And the sting of alcohol still is there. Perhaps you need to briefly heat the alcohol, e.g. pour it into your espresso maker while it's still on the stove? Or even flambé as you pour it over the ice cream for a dramatic effect?
They look cute served in Bonne Maman jam jars, especially if you tie a bow around them..
(edited 21st January 2013) (0) comment (0) useful
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