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Lidia's Family Table: More Than 200 Fabulous Recipes to Enjoy Every Day-With Wonderful Ideas for Variations and Improvisations

Simple Tomato Sauce

Page 132

Cuisine: Italian | Course Type: Sauces/Gravies

(1 review)


Recipe Review

13th March 2010

aj12754 from Montclair, NJ

Simple is right. Very easy to pull together once you put the tomatoes through the food mill (and this is not a step I would skip because it makes such a difference to the texture of the sauce). The flavor has more heat (from red pepper flakes) than I was expecting (so I may not use this on the gnocchi as planned because it might overwhelm them), but Lidia recommends letting the flavors mellow for 1-2 hours after cooking (so allow about four hours for prep and cooking and mellowing) so we'll see...

Two hours later -- Lidia was right. Flavor has nicely mellowed and should be perfect for the gnocchi I am planning.

One hour later -- And it was. :-)

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