Website: Epicurious

Oxtail Soup with Red Wine and Root Vegetables
Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Soups and Stews
Recipe Review
aj12754 from Montclair, NJ
Rich, savory, and delicious ... perfect for a really cold snowy day. This soup --- along with a fire in the fireplace, a good red wine, and some crusty bread, and you have the makings for a great winter meal.
Queezle_Sister - 14th February 2012
Yum - ox tail! I haven't seen ox tails for years...
aj12754 - 14th February 2012
My Costco has had some beautiful oxtails for about the last month -- sometimes I just walk in that place and feel inspired!
They had gorgeous lamb shanks last week-end that I was dying to pick up ... but my husband just can't stand lamb in any form.
Queezle_Sister - 14th February 2012
My costco seems to always have the very same predictable things - though you have me thinking that perhaps I'm not looking closely enough!
andrew - 14th February 2012
I can't imagine our Costco carrying oxtails or lamb shanks - ours is pretty basic. We do have a great butcher in town, though, and I made oxtail stew last year which was lovely. This recipe sounds nice too. Maybe I'll give the butcher a call this week...
aj12754 - 15th February 2012
We have three Costcos within about a 10 mile radius but only one seems to carry the really nice meats. We have gotten some fabulous wines there too. Sadly the cookbook selection seems to have deteriorated in recent years...
Queezle_Sister - 15th February 2012
As a resident of Utah, I can only dream of getting wine at Costco. You are lucky, indeed, to have such an abundance. But you've inspired me to find some oxtails.
Queezle_Sister - 28th April 2012
Oxtails! At the hispanic market! Yippie, and thanks to the current challenge. Oh and AJ, I miss you!
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