The Complete America's Test Kitchen TV Show Cookbook

Blueberry Scones
Page 428
Cuisine: English/Scottish | Course Type: Quick Breads/Muffins

Recipe Review
Peckish Sister from Central, FL
I like that the blueberries are added last and that you can use frozen blueberries without turning the entire dough blue-grey. This was a very interesting way to work the butter by grating frozen sticks halfway, leaving the handles to be put away for another use. I am not always a fan of citrus peel, but I liked the addition of the grated lemon peel here. I cut the long rectangle into 3 perfect 4” squares instead of 4 - 3”squares so I ended up with 6 very large scones. This dough was too soft for me and it would have turned out OK if I had used my scone pan. My next mistake was to remember that I had not brushed the tops with butter and sprinkled on the extra sugar after they had been in the oven for 1-2 minutes. I thought it would be all right to pull the pan out and do this, but apparently the dough had already warmed up so that the final product looked awful, spread out and leaking butter. But they still disappeared in a hurry and there was a little fighting over the leftovers in the freezer. I will look forward to making this recipe again and doing it right – there are still a lot of blueberries in the freezer.
Queezle_Sister - 25th February 2012
Looks good! I think grating frozen butter is an excellent approach - I've tried it only a time or two.
But my question is - what is a scone pan?
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