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The Best of America's Test Kitchen 2012: The Year's Best Recipes, Equipment Reviews, and Tastings (Best of America's Test Kitchen Cookbook: The Year's Best Recipes)

Strawberry Dream Cake

Page 240

Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Desserts

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15th March 2012

foodiewife from Monterey, CA

Three stars goes to the cake. The texture is more of a sponge cake, and I followed the recipe exactly. I tend to check my cake five minutes before the recommended baking time, so I don't overbake them. Sure enough, it was ready five minutes early. I felt that the cake felt a bit short of moistness, but the flavor was good. However, the cake still had a slight "grey" color cast to it, so I guess some Red Dye-40 might be necessary if you want a truly pink cake. The frosting was four stars...maybe even five. Very, very good. This is a bit fussy to make, but at least I didn't have to use boxed cake mix and jello. You can see a picture tutorial on my blog at:

(edited 15th March 2012) (0) comment (0) useful  

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