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Sara Foster's Southern Kitchen

Foster family's pot roast with herb-roasted vegetables

Page 199

| Course Type: Main Courses

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Recipe Review

8th April 2012

southerncooker from Boomer, NC

I actually made this because I wanted to have some left overs for the breakfast recipe on page 89. I made it for my son in law and myself since daughter doesn't eat red meat and son and hubby weren't home. We thought it was real good but better after letting it sit in the juices. It calls for 4 to 6 cups of beef broth but I only need about 2 cups along with the one cup of red wine to come half way up the roast in the dutch oven. I didn't make the herb roasted veggies since they cook at 400 F for 40 to 50 minutes and the roast cooks at 325 for 2 to 2 1/2 hours. Guess you would need two ovens to make both these unless you wanted one to get cold while you make the other.

You do add carrots and onion to the roast while cooking. I enjoyed the flavors the 6 sprigs of thyme and 6 of rosemary lent to the roast.

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