Rachael Ray Express Lane Meals: What to Keep on Hand, What to Buy Fresh for the Easiest-Ever 30-Minute Meals
Drunken Tuscan Pasta
Page 202
Cuisine: Italian | Course Type: Main Courses
Recipe Review
NSane from , CA
Rating 2 - Just okay.
I want to make a point to review this recipe before anyone goes and wastes a perfectly good bottle of red wine.
This recipe is very thought provoking because the pasta is cooked in red wine. It must therefore have an interesting flavor, right? Wrong. This is one of those cases where a Rachael recipe features a lot of compelling ingredients and the result is just plain flat. The pasta tastes like pasta. If it weren't for the color, I wouldn't have been able to tell it was cooked in red wine.
My feelings on this were vindicated when Rachael cooked this on her Iron Chef America appearance. The judges on the show said pretty much what I said above - they really looked forward to eating what appeared to be a compelling dish and it ended up falling well short of expectations.
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