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Rose's Heavenly Cakes

Classic Carrot Cake with Dreamy Creamy White Chocolate Frosting

Page 122

| Course Type: Cakes

(1 review)
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Recipe Review

24th April 2012

Zosia from Toronto, ON

This is a great carrot cake - it's very moist and light, mildly spicy and doesn’t have any of the add-ins that so many people take exception to ie coconut, pineapple, chopped nuts, raisins (raisins are optional in the recipe). It’s also oil-based and uses a lot of carrots (1 lb shredded!).

The most time consuming part of the recipe is prepping the carrots; once that’s done, the batter comes together in a just a few minutes. I’ve made this cake often for large gatherings and baked it in different sizes of pans including a 9”x13” and as cupcakes and it always turns out very moist and delicious; I used 1.5x the recipe to bake the 3 layers in the photo.

I don’t personally like white chocolate with carrot cake so I use the frosting variation with powdered sugar. It’s a little on the soft side but it’s not as sweet as some and retains a little of the “tang” of the cream cheese.

A great basic recipe!

(3) useful  


Queezle_Sister - 24th April 2012
Your cakes are so beautiful!


andrew - 25th April 2012
I've just resolved to bake this one tomorrow! Thanks for the inspiration.


Zosia - 25th April 2012
Thank you, Queezle Sister.

I'm glad I can be of help, Andrew : )
I come to this site often for inspiration.


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